Ancient Sarcophagus Quest

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Name: Ancient Sarcophagus Quest.
Location: The Castle.
Reward: Access to the boss Archdemon Arnan
Sorcerer and Druid: Hat of The Underworld, Underworld Rod, 20 Green Crystal Fragment
Paladin: Vortex Lightning, 100, Vortex Bolt, 100 Spider Silk, 20 Cyan Crystal Fragment, Possibility to buy Vortex Bolt at NPC Edoch
Knight: Razan's Compass, Red Crystal of Life, Ring of Healing, 20 Red Crystal Fragment, learning how to use Magic Crystals
Ring of Loss, Energetic Backpack, Pharaoh Legs, Violet Diamond Dracola's Eye, Shockwave Amulet, 5 Small Enchanted Ruby, Countess Sorrow's Frozen Tear, Golden Triangle


Rope.gif Rope
Shovel.gif Shovel
Pick.gif Pick
Flask of Holy Water.png 2x Flask of Holy Water (Buy from Oldrak for 20000 gold in Plains of Havoc)
Outfit Pirate Male.gif Outfit Pirate Female.gif Pirate Outfits Quest (just the outfit)
Necromantic Book.png Necromantic Book (From Edron library)
Necromantic Book.png Necromantic Book (From Hellgate library)
Necromantic Book.png Necromantic Book (From Ankrahmun library)
Necromantic Book.png Necromantic Book (From Isle of Kings library)

Way to Edron library:

Nbookedron.png Nbookedron2.png

Way to Hellgate library:

Nbookhell.png Nbookhell2.png

Way to Ankrahmun library:

Nbookank.png Nbookank2.png

Way to Isle of Kings library:

Nbookisle.png Nbookisle2.png

Now we need to go NPC Ghost Valkor in Drefia


In order to be able to speak with him put Necromantic Books like on the screen Edron north, Ankrahmun East, Hellgate south, Isle of Kings west and say Hi, the books will be taken away.


Make a Conversation:

  • Player: Hi
  • Ghost Valkor: You brought me my old necromantic books! ... Old memories come back ... Who want anything from me since I am no longer in this world.
  • Player: mission
  • Ghost Valkor: I know a little about the world of the undead and the secrets of the treasures that can still be obtained ...
  • Ghost Valkor: I can tell you the secret of the four sarcophagus by which you will be able to find the ancient treasure and the rewards they contain ...
  • Ghost Valkor: The first of these is located not far from here on my ship to the southeast, moored to a small island ...",
  • Ghost Valkor: To be able to go through the door on the ship you must have pirate outfit, but beware it is already taken over by undead pirates ...
  • Ghost Valkor: To get to it you have to go through the local deep underground, you will know it when you meet some of Zombies there ...
  • Ghost Valkor: Next sarcophaguses are located in the catacombs to the north east of Ankrahmun, two sarcophagus on two small islands to the west of Thais ...
  • Ghost Valkor: Associate ice islands such as Anvers and Svargrond ...",
  • Ghost Valkor: Once you have found the above sarcophagus and completed report it to me then I'll be able to give you more tips how to get to tresaure room.

Now we need to go pirate ship south from this tower and click first Sarcophagus.


The gate with red handle requires pirate outfit.


When we done back to Darashia and follow the map:

Ancientsarc1.png Ancientsarc2.png

Push 5 levers marked white and go on to the teleport, beware there is boss Amenophis.

Ancientsarc3.png Ancientsarc4.png

If we killed him let now go to Thais and follow the map:


Use the Pick and go to hole.



Use the sarcophagus but beware some Lost Souls will spawn!


Next step is to go Fibula dungeon.





Now lets go to Edron the way goes through Undeads Edron

Undeads edron way.png


Here 2 players must stand on tiles marked green and push level market white:


Each teleport corresponds to a profession, if someone enters the wrong teleport will be thrown out of the gate, look on the screen:


In this room we need to clean the altar using Flask of Holy Water, beware some Spectres and Lost Souls and Undead Dragon with respawn also you cannot leave the room until monsters are inside so we need to kill them all.
