Warzone 3+
From Realera Wiki
- Blue Teleport Crystal (first free 3 we get after completing Warzone Access Quest, or Store)
- Completed Warzone 3
- Min. 100 level
- The Sandking last killed at least 20 hours ago
- EVERY PLAYER must collect energy from all Mystic Flames marked in blue by standing on them to be enable passage through the Electric Gate marked in red.
- The time to defeat the boss after the teleport leading to it closes is 15 minutes. If after this time another team, located behind us, activates the teleport, everyone present in the boss room will be kicked to the temple.
- You can enter only one character per person.
Guaranteed reward located north of the teleport:
- 500.000 Exprience
- 2-5 Crystal Coins(100%)
- 10-30 Green Crystal Shard(100%)
- 4-6 Minor Crystalline Token(100%)
- 1 Green Diamond(50%)
- 1 Green Crystal of Experience(10%)
Monsters in Warzone 3+: