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These are dungeons where we can find hordes of monsters and one boss. To get to the Warzone zone you need to complete the Warzone Access Quest.
We can enter each boss every 20 hours. When we kill him, we can collect rewards located north of the teleport to the Warzone.
In the Warzone area are also a Depot, a Magic Shop, a Bank, an Ammunition Shop, and a room from which you can teleport to different cities using the Red Teleport Crystal


We need to meet the following conditions to get into each dungeon:

Warzone 1:



Guaranteed reward located north of the teleport:

Warzone 2:



Guaranteed reward located north of the teleport:

Warzone 3:



Guaranteed reward located north of the teleport:

In addition, after completing a Warzone, we can exchange the Minor Crystalline Token and Major Crystalline Token at NPC Gnomally for the following rewards:

Items that can be exchanged for Major Crystalline Tokens:

Items that can be exchanged for Minor Crystalline Tokens:

Monsters in Warzone 1:

Name Health Experience Loot
Earth Elemental Earth Elemental.gif 650 450 Blank Rune, 130 Gold Coin, 10 Small Stone, Small Topaz.
Giant Spider Giant Spider2.gif 1,300 900 Brass Legs, 120 Gold Coin, Knight Armor, Knight Legs, Plate Armor, Plate Legs, Platinum Amulet, 13 Poison Arrow, Spider Silk, Steel Helmet, Time Ring.
Yielothax Yielothax.gif 1,500 1,250 Blue Legs, 3 Brown Mushroom, Death Ring, Epee, 227 Gold Coin, Mastermind Potion, Might Ring, Platinum Amulet, Shockwave Amulet, 5 Small Diamond, 2 Spider Silk, Talon, Mana Fluid, Wand of Cosmic Energy.
Hydra Hydra.gif 2,250 2,100 Boots of Haste, 246 Gold Coin, 4 Ham, Hydra Egg, Knight Armor, Life Crystal, 4 Meat, Medusa Shield, Ring of Healing, Royal Helmet, Small Sapphire, Stone Skin Amulet, Warrior Helmet.
Venomous Red Spider Venomous Red Spider.png 2,700 3,100 1-2 Green Piece of Cloth, 5 Assassin Star, Brass Legs, 130 Gold Coin, Knight Armor, Knight Legs, Might Ring, Plate Armor, Plate Legs, 3 Platinum Coin, Relic Sword, Spider Silk, Steel Helmet, Terra Legs.
Serpent Spawn Serpent Spawn.gif 3,000 3,050 Boots of Haste, Charmer's Tiara, Crown Armor, Dragon Scale Mail, Energy Ring, Fire Sword, Gemmed Book, 175 Gold Coin, Golden Mug, Green Gem, Green Mushroom, Knight Armor, Life Crystal, Life Ring, Mercenary Sword, Noble Axe, Old Parchment, Onyx Arrow, Power Bolt, Royal Helmet, Small Sapphire, Snakebite Rod, Strange Helmet, Tower Shield, Warrior Helmet.
Medusa Medusa.gif 4,500 4,050 Blue Robe, 184 Gold Coin, Knight Armor, Knight Legs, Medusa Shield, Platinum Amulet, 2 Platinum Coin, Silver Amulet, 3 Small Emerald, Titan Axe, White Pearl.
Phantasm Phantasm.gif 3,950 4,400 Abyss Hammer, 2 Blank Rune, Crown Armor, Death Ring, Demonic Essence, 238 Gold Coin, 4 Platinum Coin, Shadow Herb, Shadow Sceptre, 3 Small Amethyst, 3 Small Emerald, 3 Small Ruby, Stealth Ring.
Plaguesmith Plaguesmith.gif 8,250 4,500 Axe Ring, Battle Hammer, Club Ring, Crowbar, Demonic Essence, Dirty Cape, Dragon Scale Mail, Emerald Bangle, 150 Gold Coin, Hammer of Wrath, Knight Legs, Morning Star, Mouldy Cheese, 4 Onyx Arrow, Piece of Draconian Steel, Piece of Hell Steel, Piece of Iron, Piece of Royal Steel, Silver Brooch, 3 Small Amethyst, Soul Orb, Steel Boots, Steel Shield, Two Handed Sword, War Hammer, War Horn.
Defiler Defiler.gif 3,650 3,700 Blue Gem, Death Ring, Demonic Essence, 272 Gold Coin, Green Gem, 6 Platinum Coin, Red Gem, 2 Small Diamond, 3 Small Emerald, 2 Small Ruby, Soul Orb, Talon, Yellow Gem.
Son of Verminor Son of Verminor.gif 8,500 5,900 This creature does not drop any loot.
Hellhound Hellhound.gif 7,500 6,800 100 Gold Coin, 10 Platinum Coin, Ham, Assassin Star, Throwing Knife, Black Pearl, Big Bone, Concentrated Demonic Blood, Demonic Essence, Yellow Piece of Cloth, Green Piece of Cloth, Red Piece of Cloth, Green Gem, Red Gem, Yellow Gem, Bag, Giant Sword, Soul Orb, Knight Axe, Spike Sword, Ruthless Axe, Fire Sword, Explorer Brooch, Wand of Inferno, Amber Staff, Onyx Flail.
Juggernaut Juggernaut.gif 20,000 14,000 10 Assassin Star, 3 Broken Pottery, Closed Trap, 3 Concentrated Demonic Blood, Demonbone Amulet, Demonic Essence, 3 Dragon Ham, Dragon Hammer, 400 Gold Coin, Golden Armor, Golden Legs, Green Gem, 8 Ham, Heavy Mace, Knight Armor, Mastermind Shield, 8 Meat, 15 Onyx Arrow, 5 Platinum Coin, Red Gem, 5 Small Amethyst, 5 Small Diamond, 5 Small Emerald, 5 Small Ruby, 5 Small Topaz, Soul Orb, Titan Axe, Violet Gem.
Giant Fungus Giant Fungus.gif 150,000 200,000 1-6 Crystal Coin, 1-40 Green Crystal Shard, 1-40 Mushroom Pie, Fairy Wings, Glowing Mushroom, 1-5 Hideous Chunk, 1-8 Minor Crystalline Token, 1-60 Green Crystal Fragment, Crystal Backpack, Terra Amulet, Terra Boots, Terra Legs, Terra Mantle, Crystal Mace, Crystalline armor, Auric Blade, Crystalline Axe, Mycological Mace, Mycological Bow, Crystal Crossbow, Green Crystal of Stamina, Dragon Scale Legs

Monsters in Warzone 2:

Name Health Experience Loot
Ice Golem Ice Golem.gif 385 295 Black Pearl, Crystal Sword, 56 Gold Coin, Ice Cube, Ice Rapier, Shard, Small Diamond, Small Sapphire, Strange Helmet.
Ice Witch Ice Witch.gif 650 580 Clerical Mace, Crystal Sword, Diamond Sceptre, 80 Gold Coin, Green Mushroom, Ice Cube, Mystic Turban, Pair of Earmuffs, Shard.
Crystal Spider Crystal Spider.gif 1,250 900 Crystal Sword, 97 Gold Coin, Knight Armor, Knight Legs, 2 Plate Armor, Platinum Amulet, Sapphire Hammer, Shard, 5 Sniper Arrow, Steel Helmet, Time Ring.
Frost Dragon Frost Dragon.gif 1,800 2,100 3 Dragon Ham, Dragon Scale Mail, Dragon Slayer, Energy Ring, Gemmed Book, 242 Gold Coin, Golden Mug, Green Mushroom, Ice Cube, Ice Rapier, Life Crystal, 5 Power Bolt, Royal Helmet, Shard, Small Sapphire, Strange Helmet, Tower Shield.
Spectre Spectre.gif 1,350 2,100 2 Blank Rune, Death Ring, Demonbone Amulet, Demonic Essence, 297 Gold Coin, Lyre, 7 Platinum Coin, Relic Sword, Shadow Sceptre, Silver Brooch, Soul Orb, Stealth Ring, Wand of Cosmic Energy, White Piece of Cloth.
Frost Flower Asura Frost Flower Asura.gif 3,500 3,800 Assassin Dagger, 5 Assassin Star, 2 Black Pearl, Blue Gem, Blue Robe, Boots of Haste, Concentrated Demonic Blood, Crystal Ring, Demonic Essence, 100 Gold Coin, 2 Gold Ingot, Northwind Rod, 6 Platinum Coin, Silver Amulet, Silver Brooch, Skullcracker Armor, 3 Small Diamond, 2 Small Emerald, 2 Small Ruby, 3 Small Sapphire, 2 Small Topaz, Soul Orb, Spellbook of Mind Control, Tempest Rod, Tribal Mask, 2 Life Fluid, 2 White Pearl, Yellow Gem.
Warlock Warlock.gif 3,500 4,000 4 Assassin Star, Blue Robe, Bread, Candlestick, 5 Cherry, Crystal Ring, Dark Mushroom, Energy Ring, 150 Gold Coin, Golden Armor, Inkwell, Mind Stone, Piggy Bank, Poison Dagger, Red Tome, Ring of The Sky, Skull Staff, Small Sapphire, Stone Skin Amulet, Talon.
Winter Elf Fencer Winter Elf Fencer.gif 6,000 5,400 Blue Gem, Blue Legs, Blue Robe, Enchanted Spear, Ice Rapier, Moonlight Rod, Mystic Turban, 2 Orichalcum Pearl, 11 Platinum Coin, 7 Small Sapphire.
Winter Elf Fencer Winter Elf Fencer.gif 6,000 5,400 Blue Gem, Blue Legs, Blue Robe, Enchanted Spear, Ice Rapier, Moonlight Rod, Mystic Turban, 2 Orichalcum Pearl, 11 Platinum Coin, 7 Small Sapphire.
Winter Elf Harbinger Winter Elf Harbinger.png 6,500 5,800 Blue Gem, Blue Robe, Elven Amulet, Giant Sword, Ice Rapier, Knight Legs, Life Crystal, 15 Platinum Coin, 7 Small Sapphire.
Ice Dragon Ice Dragon.gif 2,700 3,250 Blue Gem, Blue Legs, Blue Robe, Bonebreaker, Dragon Scale Mail, 2 Enchanted Spear, 300 Gold Coin, Golden Mug, Hat Of The Mad, Ice Cube, Ice Rapier, Magic Ice Armor, Northwind Rod, Ring of Healing, 3 Small Diamond, 5 Small Sapphire, Mana Fluid.
Demon Outcast Demon Outcast.png 6,900 6,200 10 Assassin Star, Cluster of Solace, Crown Armor, Crown Shield, Crusader Helmet, Demon Shield, Demonrage Sword, Devil Helmet, 6 Fire Mushroom, Giant Sword, 100 Gold Coin, Ice Rapier, Might Ring, Platinum Amulet, 6 Platinum Coin, Red Powder, Ring of Healing, 5 Small Diamond, 5 Small Emerald, 5 Small Ruby, 5 Small Sapphire, 5 Small Topaz, Stealth Ring, Divine Energy Sceptre.
Gnomevil Gnomevil.gif 200000 250000 1-8 Crystal Coin, 1-50 Blue Crystal Shard, 1-70 Cyan Crystal Fragment, 1-10 Minor Crystalline Token, Gnomish Fan, Gnomevil's Hat, crystal Backpack, crystal Mace, crystalline Armor, Auric Blade, Blessed Shield, Crystalline Axe, Mycological Mace, Mycological Bow, Crystal Crossbow, Blue Crystal of Mana

Monsters in Warzone 3:

Name Health Experience Loot
Fire Elemental Fire Elemental.gif ? ? ?
Dragon Lord Dragon Lord.gif ? ? ?
Diabolic Imp Diabolic Imp.gif ? ? ?
Lost Soul Lost Soul.gif ? ? ?
Massive Fire Elemental Massive Fire Elemental.gif ? ? ?
Hellfire Fighter Hellfire Fighter.gif ? ? ?
Hellspawn Hellspawn.gif ? ? ?
Fury Fury.gif ? ? ?
Dark Torturer Dark Torturer.gif ? ? ?
Grim Reaper Grim Reaper.gif ? ? ?
Undead Dragon Undead Dragon.gif ? ? ?
Demon Demon.gif ? ? ?
Guzzlemaw Guzzlemaw.gif ? ? ?
Frazzlemaw Frazzlemaw.gif ? ? ?
Lava Golem Lava Golem.gif ? ? ?
Prince of Demons Prince of Demons.gif ? ? ?