Stone Shower

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Spell Information

Name: Stone Shower2.png Stone Shower
Description: Deals ground damage over a sizable area. Useful for hunts and quests with all Orc species due to the fact that Orcs are sensitive to the earth element.

Adori Mas Tera

Vocation: Druid, Elder Druid
Mana: 430
Magic Level: 4
Level: 28
Soul: 3
Amount: 4
Price: 1,100 gp
Item created: Stone Shower Rune
Buy from:
City Npc Price
Ankrahmun Rahkem 1,100 gp
Darashia Shalmar 1,100 gp
Edron Ursula 1,100 gp
Liberty Bay Charlotta 1,100 gp
Nibelor Hjaern 1,100 gp
Port Hope Ustan 1,100 gp
Buy runes from:
City Npc Price
Ab'Dendriel Shiriel 150 gp
Ankrahmun Fenech 150 gp
Carlin Rachel 150 gp
Darashia Asima 150 gp
Edron Alexander 150 gp
Kazordoon Sigurd 150 gp
Liberty Bay Frederik 150 gp
Port Hope Tandros 150 gp
Svargrond Nelly 150 gp
Svargrond Romir 150 gp
Thais Xodet 150 gp
Venore Frans 150 gp
Warzones Gnomegica 150 gp