Yielothax Nest Quest

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Revision as of 14:43, 26 February 2023 by Ruth (talk | contribs)
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Name: Yielothax Nest Quest.
Location: Anvers.
Reward: Terra Legs, a Terra Amulet and a Green Diamond, Shockwave Amulet, 30 Spider Silks, a Might Ring and 20 Green Crystal Splinters.
Requirements: Anvers Island Quest, level 50+, Rope, Shovel.
Monsters: Carrion Worms, Ghouls, Mummys, Crypt Shamblers, Vampires, Demon Skeletons, Bonebeasts, Beholders, Elder Beholder, Yielothax.


Yielothax way.png

Yielothax way2.png
