How to use Cyclopedia

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It is basically a Tibian Encyclopedia, which gathers a collection of information about:

  • Items: Description and detailed information about the items, and where to sell them
  • Npcs: Shows details about the NPC, where you find it, what it buys, and the amounts
  • Creatures: Shows details about creatures such as maximum life, resistance, experience, speed...

How to access cyclopedia?

With your client open, and logged account click on the menu on the right side above

Cyclopedia titulo.png

By clicking on the "Items" tab you can search any item in the game, see where to sell it, sell price


By clicking on the "NPCS" tab you can see the location of any NPC on the map, you can also mark such npc on your personal map for easy to find, you can also see what npc sells or buys and the values and their function


In the "Monsters" tab you can view defenses, and attacks of a certain creature within the game, your drop items, life...
