Shaman Outfits Quest

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Name: Shaman Outfits Quest.
Location: Hairycles (Banuta), Chondur (Sabrehaven).
Reward: Shaman Outfits.
Monsters: Dworcs, Apes, Lizards, Spit Nettle, Skeleton, Ghoul, Fire Devil, Scarab, Carniphila, Gargoyle, Stone Golem, Beholder, Green Djinn, Crypt Shambler, Demon Skeleton, Elder Beholder, Efreet, Bonebeast, Giant Spider, Serpent Spawn, Hydra, Behemoth.



Outfit Shaman Female.gif Outfit Shaman Male.gif


  • Getting the outfit itself is not hard, but you must have The Ape City Quest completed. Once you have it done, go to Hairycles and tell him:


Player: Hi
Hairycles: Be greeted, friend of the ape people. If you want to trade, just ask for my offers. If you are injured, ask for healing.
Player: Mission
Hairycles: Finally my people are safe! You have done incredible good for ape people and one day even me brethren will recognise that ...
I wish I could speak for all when me call you true friend but my people need time to get accustomed to change ...
Let us hope one day whole Banuta will greet you as a friend. Perhaps you want to check me offers for special friends... or shamanic powers.
Player: Shamanic powers
Hairycles: Me truly proud of you, friend. You learn many about plants, charms and ape people. Me want grant you shamanic power now. You ready?
Player: Yes
Hairycles: Friend of the ape people! Take my gift and become me apprentice! Here is shaman clothing for you!
  • And in such a way outfit already conquered.

Voodoo Staff

Outfit Shaman Male Addon 1.gif Outfit Shaman Female Addon 1.gif

Items needed:

Voodoo Doll (Pirate).gif 5 Pirate Voodoo Dolls - from Cult Followers (only if Chondur didn't get them from you yet)
Voodoo Doll.gif 5 Voodoo Dolls - from Dworc Voodoomasters
Mandrake.gif Mandrake - from Tiquandas Revenge



Player: Hi
Chondur: Be greeted, child.
Player: Addon
Chondur: The time has come, my child. I sense great spiritual wisdom in you and I shall grant you a sign of your progress, if you can fulfil my task.
Player: Mission
Chondur: Deep in the Tiquandian jungle a monster lurks which is seldom seen. It is the revenge of the jungle against humankind. ...
This monster, if slain, carries a rare root called Mandrake. If you find it, bring it to me. Also, gather 5 of the voodoo dolls used by the mysterious dworc voodoomasters. ...
If you manage to fulfil this task, I will grant you your own staff. Have you understood everything and are ready for this test?
Player: Yes
Chondur: Good! Come back once you found a mandrake and collected 5 dworcish voodoo dolls.

  • Now you need to get all the necessary items for him. You won't need the Pirate Voodoo Dolls if he already got it from you before, for example, while doing the Nargor Island Quest.
  • When you have collected the necessary resources, return to Chondur:


Player: Hi
Chondur: Be greeted, child.
Player: mission
Chondur: Have you gathered the mandrake and the 5 voodoo dolls from the dworcs?
Player: Yes
Chondur: I am proud of you, my child, excellent work. This staff shall be yours from now on!
  • And so the Voodoo Staff addon conquered!

Voodoo Mask
Outfit Shaman Male Addon 2.gif Outfit Shaman Female Addon 2.gif

Items needed:

Banana Staff.gif 5 Banana Staff from Merlkins
Tribal Mask.gif 5 Tribal Mask from all kind of Dworcs.

NOTE: You need to get the previous addon beforehand.



Player: Hi
Player: Mission
Player: yes
Player: yes
  • Now get the necessary things and come with them again to him and:


Player: Hi
Player: 5 banana staff
Player: yes
Player: 5 tribal mask
Player: yes
  • Voodoo Mask addon acquired!