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Name Location
A Dead Bureaucrat Pits of Inferno
A Dwarven Ghost Kazordoon
A Ghostly Guardian Dream Realm
A Ghostly Ragnar ??
A Ghostly Rexford ??
A Ghostly Sage Pits of Inferno
A Ghostly Woman Ghostland
A Majestic Warwolf Svargrond
A Prisoner Mintwallin
A Restless Soul Formorgar Mines
A Starving Dog Svargrond
A Strange Fellow [[]]
A Sweaty Cyclops [[]]
A Wrinkled Beholder [[]]
Abran Ironeye [[]]
Admiral Wyrmslicer [[]]
Adrenius [[]]
Ahmet [[]]
Ajax [[]]
Al Dee [[]]
Albert [[]]
Aldo [[]]
Alesar [[]]
Alexander [[]]
Alia [[]]
Allen [[]]
Alwin [[]]
Amanda [[]]
Amber [[]]
An Old Dragonlord [[]]
Anderson [[]]
Anerui [[]]
Aneus [[]]
Angelina [[]]
Angus [[]]
Appaloosa [[]]
Ariella [[]]
Arito [[]]
Arkhothep [[]]
Arnold [[]]
Aruda [[]]
Ashtamor [[]]
Asima [[]]
Asrak [[]]
Atrad [[]]
Avar Tar [[]]
Azil [[]]
Baa'Leal [[]]
Baltim [[]]
Bambi Bonecrusher [[]]
Barbara [[]]
Barney [[]]
Bashira [[]]
Basilisk [[]]
Baxter [[]]
Beatrice [[]]
Benjamin [[]]
Berenice [[]]
Bertha [[]]
Bertram [[]]
Bezil [[]]
Billy [[]]
Blind Orc [[]]
Blossom Bonecrusher [[]]
Bo'Ques [[]]
Bonifacius [[]]
Boozer [[]]
Borkas [[]]
Bozo [[]]
Braden [[]]
Bradford [[]]
Brasith [[]]
Brengus [[]]
Brewster [[]]
Briasol [[]]
Brodrosch [[]]
Bron [[]]
Bruno [[]]
Buddel [[]]
Budrik [[]]
Bunny Bonecrusher [[]]
Busty Bonecrusher [[]]
Cameron [[]]
Captain Ares [[]]
Captain Bluebear [[]]
Captain Breezelda [[]]
Captain Fearless [[]]
Captain Greyhound [[]]
Captain Haba [[]]
Captain Jack [[]]
Captain Max [[]]
Captain Seagull [[]]
Captain Seahorse [[]]
Captain Sinbeard [[]]
Captain Waverider [[]]
Caramellia [[]]
Carina [[]]
Carlson [[]]
Cedrik [[]]
Ceiron [[]]
Chantalle [[]]
Charles [[]]
Charlotta [[]]
Chatterbone [[]]
Chemar [[]]
Chephan [[]]
Chester Kahs [[]]
Chondur [[]]
Christoph [[]]
Chrystal [[]]
Cipfried [[]]
Clark [[]]
Clyde [[]]
Cobra [[]]
Cornelia [[]]
Costello [[]]
Dabui [[]]
Dagomir [[]]
Dalbrect [[]]
Dallheim [[]]
Dane [[]]
Daniel Steelsoul [[]]
Dankwart [[]]
Danlon [[]]
Dario [[]]
Dermot [[]]
Digger [[]]
Dixi [[]]
Djema [[]]
Donald McRonald [[]]
Doug [[]]
Dove [[]]
Duncan [[]]
Duria [[]]
Dustrunner [[]]
Ebenizer [[]]
Edala [[]]
Eddy [[]]
Edoch [[]]
Edowir [[]]
Edron Guardsman [[]]
Edvard [[]]
Eirik [[]]
Elane [[]]
Elathriel [[]]
Eleonore [[]]
Elf Guard [[]]
Elvith [[]]
Elwin Cracan [[]]
Emperor Kruzak [[]]
Eranth [[]]
Erayo [[]]
Eremo [[]]
Eroth [[]]
Etzel [[]]
Eva [[]]
Evan [[]]
Fa'Hradin [[]]
Falk [[]]
Faluae [[]]
Feizuhl [[]]
Fenbala [[]]
Fenech [[]]
Fergus [[]]
Ferks [[]]
Fiona [[]]
Florentine [[]]
Frans [[]]
Frederik [[]]
Frodo [[]]
Fynn [[]]
Gabel [[]]
Gail [[]]
Galuna [[]]
Gamon [[]]
Gelagos [[]]
Gordon [[]]
Gorn [[]]
Graubart [[]]
Gregor [[]]
Grizzly Adams [[]]
Grof, The Guard [[]]
Gundralph [[]]
Gurbasch [[]]
H.L. [[]]
Habdel [[]]
Hagor [[]]
Hairycles [[]]
Halif [[]]
Halvar [[]]
Hamilton [[]]
Hanna [[]]
Hardek [[]]
Harkath Bloodblade [[]]
Haroun [[]]
Harsky [[]]
Hawkyr [[]]
Helor [[]]
Henirn The Inquisitor [[]]
Henricus [[]]
Herbert [[]]
Hjaern [[]]
Hofech [[]]
Hoggle [[]]
Hugo [[]]
Humgolf [[]]
Humphrey [[]]
Hyacinth [[]]
Imalas [[]]
Imbul [[]]
Irea [[]]
Irmana [[]]
Irvin [[]]
Ishebad [[]]
Ishina [[]]
Isimov [[]]
Iskan [[]]
Isolde [[]]
Iwan [[]]
Iwar [[]]
Iyad [[]]
Jack Fate [[]]
Jakahr [[]]
James [[]]
Janz [[]]
Jason [[]]
Jean Claude [[]]
Jefrey [[]]
Jessica [[]]
Jezzara [[]]
Jimbin [[]]
John [[]]
John Snow [[]]
Julian [[]]
Kalvin [[]]
Karl [[]]
Kasmir [[]]
Kawill [[]]
Kazzan [[]]
Kenny [[]]
Kevin [[]]
King Tibianus [[]]
Kjesse [[]]
Klaus [[]]
Kroox [[]]
Kulag, The Guard [[]]
Lailene [[]]
Lea [[]]
Lector [[]]
Lee'Delle [[]]
Leeland [[]]
Legola [[]]
Leonardo [[]]
Liane [[]]
Lightfoot [[]]
Lily [[]]
Livielle [[]]
Lokur [[]]
Lorbas [[]]
Lorek [[]]
Loria [[]]
Loui [[]]
Lubo [[]]
Lugri [[]]
Luna [[]]
Lungelen [[]]
Lurik [[]]
Lynda [[]]
Lyonel [[]]
Maealil [[]]
Malor [[]]
Malunga [[]]
Marcus [[]]
Maria [[]]
Marina [[]]
Markwin [[]]
Marlene [[]]
Marvik [[]]
Maryza [[]]
Mehkesh [[]]
Melchior [[]]
Memech [[]]
Meraya [[]]
Miles, The Guard [[]]
Mirabell [[]]
Miraia [[]]
Morgan [[]]
Mortimer [[]]
Morun [[]]
Mugluf [[]]
Muhad [[]]
Muriel [[]]
Muzir [[]]
Myra [[]]
Nah'Bob [[]]
Nelliem [[]]
Nelly [[]]
Nemal [[]]
Nezil [[]]
Nielson [[]]
Nilsor [[]]
Noodles [[]]
Nor [[]]
Norbert [[]]
Norf [[]]
Norma [[]]
Norris [[]]
Norris [[]]
Obi [[]]
Ocelus [[]]
Odemara [[]]
Old Adall [[]]
Oldrak [[]]
Olrik [[]]
Omur [[]]
Ormuhn [[]]
Oswald [[]]
Padreia [[]]
Palomino [[]]
Paolo [[]]
Parlan [[]]
Partos [[]]
Paulie [[]]
Peggy [[]]
Pemaret [[]]
Penny [[]]
Perac [[]]
Percy Silverhand [[]]
Percybald [[]]
Perod [[]]
Petros [[]]
Phillip [[]]
Pig [[]]
Pino [[]]
Prisoner of the Castle [[]]
Puffels [[]]
Pydar [[]]
Queen Eloise [[]]
Quentin [[]]
Quero [[]]
Rachel [[]]
Rahkem [[]]
Rashid [[]]
Rata'Mari [[]]
Ray [[]]
Raymond Striker [[]]
Razan [[]]
Red Lilly [[]]
Riddler [[]]
Robert [[]]
Robin [[]]
Roderick [[]]
Rodney [[]]
Rokyn [[]]
Romella [[]]
Romir [[]]
Rose [[]]
Ross [[]]
Rowenna [[]]
Rudolph [[]]
Ruprecht [[]]
Sam [[]]
Samir [[]]
Sandra [[]]
Sarina [[]]
Scott [[]]
Sebastian [[]]
Seymour [[]]
Shalmar [[]]
Shanar [[]]
Shauna [[]]
Sherry McRonald [[]]
Shiantis [[]]
Shiriel [[]]
Shirith [[]]
Siflind [[]]
Sigurd [[]]
Simon The Beggar [[]]
Sinatuki [[]]
Sirik [[]]
Skjaar [[]]
Smiley [[]]
Snake Eye [[]]
Storkus [[]]
Stutch [[]]
Suzy [[]]
Sven [[]]
Svenson [[]]
Sylvester [[]]
Talesia [[]]
Talphion [[]]
Tandros [[]]
Tesha [[]]
Tezila [[]]
Thanita [[]]
The Blind Prophet [[]]
The Bone Master [[]]
The Crone [[]]
The Dream Master [[]]
The Oracle [[]]
The Orc King [[]]
The Queen of the Banshee [[]]
Theodore Loveless [[]]
Thomas [[]]
Thorwulf [[]]
Tibra [[]]
Tim, the guard [[]]
Timur [[]]
Tokel [[]]
Tom [[]]
Toothless Tim [[]]
Topsy [[]]
Torence [[]]
Tothdral [[]]
Trimegis [[]]
Trisha [[]]
Tristan [[]]
Tulf [[]]
Turvy [[]]
Tyrias [[]]
Ubaid [[]]
Ukea [[]]
Ulrik [[]]
Umar [[]]
Urkalio [[]]
Ursula [[]]
Uso [[]]
Ustan [[]]
Uzgod [[]]
Uzon [[]]
Velvet [[]]
Vera [[]]
Vescu [[]]
Vladruc [[]]
Vulturenose [[]]
Wally [[]]
Walter, The Guard [[]]
Warbert [[]]
Willard [[]]
William [[]]
Willie [[]]
Wyat [[]]
Wyda [[]]
Xed [[]]
Xodet Thais
Yaman [[]]
Yanni [[]]
Yberius [[]]
Yoem [[]]
Yulas [[]]
Zaidal [[]]
Zebron [[]]
Zerbrus [[]]
Zoltan [[]]
Zora [[]]