Cancel Invisibility

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Spell Information

Name: Cancel Invisibility.png Cancel Invisibility
Description: It is a well-known fact that enemies who have mastered to perfection the secret of invisibility are a group of the most dangerous opponents. They are capable of replacing the path of unsuspecting adventurers or dealing a fatal blow in the back. Fortunately, Edron scholars have invented an effective counter-spell. By casting a spell to break invisibility, a mage can discover all hidden creatures or players in his area.
Cancel Invisibility2.png

Exana Ina

Vocation: Sorcerer, Master Sorcerer
Mana: 200
Magic Level: -
Level: 26
Amount: -
Price: 1,600 gp
Item created: -
Buy from:
City Npc Price
Ankrahmun Tothdral 1,600 gp
Darashia Shalmar 1,600 gp
Edron Gundralph 1,600 gp
Liberty Bay Malunga 1,600 gp
Port Hope Myra 1,600 gp