Conjure Sniper Arrow

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Spell Information

Name: Conjure Sniper Arrow.png Conjure Sniper Arrow
Description: Paladins rely mainly on their ammunition. Of course, it's good that any paladin can conjure up arrows. However, in order to hit the enemy more accurately, better material is needed. After much research, the mages of Edron invented a spell to conjure Sniper Arrows that almost always hit the target. However, conjuring such arrows requires great magical power. You will get, seemingly from nothing, ten Sniper Arrows if you have enough mana and soul points.
Conjure Sniper Arrow2.png

Exevo Con Hur

Vocation: Paladin, Royal Paladin
Mana: 160
Magic Level: -
Level: 24
Soul: 3
Amount: 10
Price: 800 gp
Item created: Sniper Arrow
Buy from:
City Npc Price
Edron Ursula 800 gp