Elf Arcanist

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Elf Arcanist Health Experience Resistance Loot Location
Elf Arcanist.gif 220 175 Nothing. 3 Arrow, Blank Rune, Bowl, Bread, Candlestick, Elven Amulet, 44 Gold Coin, Grave Flower, Green Tunic, Holy Orchid, Inkwell, Life Crystal, Melon, Sandals, Scroll, Sling Herb, Staff, Wand of Cosmic Energy, Yellow Gem, Elven Scouting Glass, Elvish Bow. Warlocks Demona, Shadowthorn, Northwestern Ab'Dendriel, Cyclopolis, Elvenbane, Elves, Elves Ab'Dendriel, Wild Warriors & Undeads.

Elf Arcanist
Elf Arcanist.gif
Hit Points: 220
Experience: 175
Ratio: 0.80
Speed: 220
Hostile: ✔️
Pushes Items: ✔️
Pushes Creatures:
Target Distance: 4
Run on Health: 0
Attacks: Elem physical.gif Melee (Min: 0, Max: -21), Elem physical.gif Physical (Min: 0, Max: -70), Elem energy.gif Energy (Min: -30, Max: -50), Elem physical.gif Physical (Min: -70, Max: -85)
Defences: Arm.png Armor: 15, Defense: 15, Elem heal.gif Healing (Min: 40, Max: 60)
Est. Max Dmg: -155
Summons: Nothing
Immune To: Energy, Fire, Poison, Invisible, Lifedrain
Sounds: "Feel my wrath!"
"For the Daughter of the Stars!"
"I'll bring balance upon you!"
"Tha'shi Cenath!"
Task: ??
Strategy: ??
Loot: ??
Skinnable: ??
Note: ??
Location: ??