Enchant Staff

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Spell Information

Name: Enchant Staff.png Enchant Staff
Description: Some items show the ability to store energy that can be used later, while others can even be magically enhanced. The sorcerer's cube is one of the latter. If a spell is cast on it, the cube will turn into a powerful weapon, shimmering with beautiful green energy. This effect justifies the cost in mana, although it wears off rather quickly. Sorcerers who have attained a master's degree can learn this spell from the sage Eremo.
Enchant Staff2.png

Exeta Vis

Vocation: Master Sorcerer
Mana: 80
Magic Level: -
Level: 41
Soul: -
Amount: -
Price: 2,000 gp
Item created: Enchanted Staff
Buy from:
City Npc Price
Eremo Eremo 2,000 gp