Great Light

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Spell Information

Name: Great Light.png Great Light
Description: Although a simple Light spell is sufficient in most situations, it was widely believed that a brighter and longer-lasting light would be even better. After all, there are more challenging underground and gloomy places where one needs more visibility to be prepared for surprise attacks and other such unpleasant surprises. Great Light was invented to meet these needs. Thanks to its usefulness, this spell has been made available to all professions.
Great Light2.png

Utevo Gran Lux

Vocation: Rookslayer, Sorcerer, Druid, Knight, Master Sorcerer, Elder Druid, Royal Paladin, Elite Knight
Mana: 60
Magic Level: -
Level: 13
Amount: -
Price: 500 gp
Item created: -
Buy from:
City Npc Price
Ab'Dendriel Faluae 500 gp
Ankrahmun Ormuhn 500 gp
Ankrahmun Rahkem 500 gp
Ankrahmun Tothdral 500 gp
Carlin Lea 500 gp
Carlin Legola 500 gp
Carlin Padreia 500 gp
Carlin Trisha 500 gp
Darashia Razan 500 gp
Darashia Shalmar 500 gp
Kazordoon Duria 500 gp
Kazordoon Etzel 500 gp
Liberty Bay Charlotta 500 gp
Liberty Bay Isolde 500 gp
Liberty Bay Malunga 500 gp
Port Hope Helor 500 gp
Port Hope Myra 500 gp
Port Hope Tristan 500 gp
Port Hope Uso 500 gp
Port Hope Ustan 500 gp
Svargrond Hawkyr 500 gp
Svargrond Thorwulf 500 gp
Thais Elane 500 gp
Thais Gregor 500 gp
Thais Marvik 500 gp
Thais Muriel 500 gp
Venore Asrak 500 gp
Venore Chatterbone 500 gp
Venore Smiley 500 gp