Onyx Boots

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Onyx Boots.png You see onyx boots (Arm:8, distance fighting +3, shielding +5, protection physical +6%, energy +2%, poison +4%, fire +6%, ice +2%, protection fire field +90%, speed +44).
It can only be wielded properly by paladins of level 300 or higher.
It weighs 27.00 oz.
Boots crafted with onyx accents, enabling swift and determined strides as they walk the path of righteousness.
Arm: 8
Weight: 27.0 oz.
Dropped By: None.
Reward from: None.
Buy from: Gnomally for 200 Major Crystalline Tokens and Radiant Sapphire Boots.
Sell to: This item cannot be sold to any NPC.
Note: Part of the Onyx Set for the Paladin profession.