Stone Tomb

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  • Requirements: Rope or Magic Rope, Shovel.
  • Recommended level: 15 + (depending on the floor)
  • Follow the map below for the way to this hunting place.

→ Online Map ←

Stone Tomb.png

Stone Tomb3.png

Stone Tomb4.png

Stone Tomb5.png

Stone Tomb6.png

  • Below is a list of monsters that can be encountered at this hunting place.

First Floor

Monster Name Health Experience Exp/Hp
Hyaena.gif Hyaena 60 20 0.33
Poison Spider.gif Poison Spider 26 22 0.84
Skeleton.gif Skeleton 50 35 0.70
Larva.gif Larva 70 88 1.25
Scorpion.gif Scorpion 45 45 1.00
Ghoul.gif Ghoul 100 85 0.85
Scarab.gif Scarab 320 120 0.30

Second Floor

Monster Name Health Experience Exp/Hp
Cobra.gif Cobra 65 30 0.46
Skeleton.gif Skeleton 50 35 0.70
Ghoul.gif Ghoul 100 85 0.85
Stalker.gif Stalker 120 90 0.75
Scarab.gif Scarab 320 120 0.30
Mummy.gif Mummy 240 150 0.62
Slime.gif Slime 150 160 1.06
Crypt Shambler.gif Crypt Shambler 330 195 0.59

Third Floor

Monster Name Health Experience Exp/Hp
Poison Spider.gif Poison Spider 26 22 0.84
Cobra.gif Cobra 65 30 0.46
Scorpion.gif Scorpion 45 45 1.00
Ghoul.gif Ghoul 100 85 0.85
Larva.gif Larva 70 88 1.25
Scarab.gif Scarab 320 120 0.30
Mummy.gif Mummy 240 150 0.62
Slime.gif Slime 150 160 0.93
Beholder.gif Beholder 260 170 0.65
Crypt Shambler.gif Crypt Shambler 330 195 0.59
Demon Skeleton.gif Demon Skeleton 400 240 0.60
Vampire.gif Vampire 450 290 0.64

Fourth Floor

Monster Name Health Experience Exp/Hp
Stalker.gif Stalker 120 90 0.75
Ghost.gif Ghost 150 120 0.80
Scarab.gif Scarab 320 120 0.30
Mummy.gif Mummy 240 150 0.62
Slime.gif Slime 150 160 0.93
Crypt Shambler.gif Crypt Shambler 330 195 0.59
Vampire.gif Vampire 450 290 0.64
Bonebeast.gif Bonebeast 515 580 1.12
Necromancer.gif Necromancer 580 580 1.00
Ancient Scarab.gif Ancient Scarab 1,000 720 0.72
Giant Spider.gif Giant Spider 1,300 900 0.69
Monster Name Health Experience Exp/Hp
Necromancer.gif Necromancer 580 580 1.00
Thalas.gif Thalas 4,100 2,950 0.71
Plaguethrower.gif Plaguethrower - - -