Strong Haste

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Spell Information

Name: Strong Haste.png Strong Haste
Description: Another enhancement to a well-known spell, Strong Haste (Huge Haste) works very similarly to its smaller relative, but the effect is much more impressive. All potential users should be warned, however: Using this spell is risky. In fact, it was kept hidden for many years, as many concerned magicians warned of the dangers of recklessly manipulating time itself. Eventually, however, the spell was made public by reckless sorcerers at the Edron magic academy, and today it is widely available. However, it is still recommended that this spell be used only as a last resort, when only quick flight can guarantee our survival.
Strong Haste2.png

Utani Gran Hur

Vocation: Sorcerer, Druid, Master Sorcerer, Elder Druid
Mana: 100
Magic Level: -
Level: 20
Amount: -
Price: 1,300 gp
Item created: -
Buy from:
City Npc Price
Darashia Shalmar 1,300 gp
Edron Ursula 1,300 gp
Liberty Bay Malunga 1,300 gp