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Name Additional Weight Dropped By
Whacking Driller of Fate Whacking Driller of Fate.png Used as:
3.0 None.
Obsidian Knife Obsidian Knife.png 1.0 None. None.
Sickle Sickle.png A sickle, not used for combat
but for cutting burnt cane.
10.5 Witch.
Crowbar Crowbar.png - 21.0 Destroyer, Plaguesmith, Behemoth.
Machete Machete.png Cuts tall grass. 16.5 Orc Spearman.
Heavy Machete Heavy Machete.png Useful for cutting tall grass. 18.4 Marid, Efreet, Scarab.
Pitchfork Pitchfork.png - 25.0 Diabolic Imp, Fire Devil.
Scythe Scythe.png Designed for cutting grain. 30.0 Blightwalker, Grim Reaper.
Broom Broom.png - 11.0 Witch.
Pick Pick.png Can open hidden holes. 45.0 Destroyer, Elf Miner, Dwarf, Guardian I Corak, Chakoya Toolshaper, Behemoth.
Ice Pick Pick.png - 70.0 None.
Shovel Shovel.png Open closed holes and hidden holes. 35.0 Dwarf Soldier, Minotaur.
Rope Rope.png Can be used to rope item/creatures
from ladders and holes.
18.0 Hero, Black Knight, Island Troll, Troll.
Wooden Hammer Wooden Hammer.png - 6.0 None.
Saw Saw.png - 10.0 Dark Torturer, Guardian II Zorath.
Small Axe Small Axe.png - 20.0 Goblin.
Trap Closed Trap.png - 21.0 Juggernaut.
Closed Trap Closed trap.png - 21.0 Juggernaut.
Fishing Rod Fishing Rod.png Used to catch fish in water for food. 8.5 Minotaur Guard, Swamp Troll, The Horned Fox.
Light Shovel Light Shovel.png Open closed holes and hidden holes. 15.0 Pirate Cutthroat.
Witchesbroom Witchesbroom.png - 11.0 None.
Fire Bug Fire Bug.png - 30.5 None.
Mechanical Fishing Rod Mechanical Fishing Rod.png Used to catch fish in water for food. 20.0 None.
Hoe Hoe.png - 28.0 None.
Cheese Cutter Cheese Cutter.png - 0.45 Corym Charlatan, Corym Skirmisher, Corym Vanguard.