Wizard Addons Quest

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Name: Wizard Addons Quest.
Location: Lugri (Thais), The Queen of the Banshees (Ghostland)
Reward: Wizard Addons.
Monsters: Hydras, Dragon Lords, Frost Dragons, Undead Dragons, Serpent Spawns, Plaguesmith, Demodras, Hero, Warlocks, Elf Arcanists, Banshee, Beholders and Ghouls.

Addon 1: Skullcap (men), Snake Tiara (women)

Outfit Wizard Male Addon 1.gif Outfit Wizard Female Addon 1.gif

Items needed:

Medusa Shield.gif Medusa Shield
Dragon Scale Mail.gif Dragon Scale Mail
Crown Legs.gif Crown Legs
File:Ring of The Sky.gif Ring of The Sky


We go to the necromancer Lugri. He lives in a cave under the swamps, at Alatar's Lake, north of Thais. There you can encounter 2 Beholders and a Ghoul.

  • Player: hi
  • Lugri: What do you want, Player?
  • Player: outfit
  • Lugri: This skull shows that you are a true follower of Zathroth and the glorious gods of darkness. Are you willing to prove your loyalty?
  • Player: yes
  • Lugri: It will be a hard task which requires many sacrifices. Do you still want to proceed?
  • Player: yes
  • Lugri: Good decision, Player. Your first sacrifice will be a medusa shield. Bring it to me and do give it happily.

In order to prove that we are true servants of Zathroth and darkness, we must make a sacrifice to him. One by one, we bring the items:

Medusa Shield

  • Player: hi
  • Lugri: What do you want, Player?
  • Player: medusa shield
  • Lugri: Is it your true wish to sacrifice a medusa shield to Zathroth?
  • Player: yes
  • Lugri: Good. I accept your sacrifice. The second sacrifice I require from you is a dragon scale mail. Bring it to me and do give it happily.

Dragon Scale Mail

  • Player: hi
  • Lugri: What do you want, Player?
  • Player: dragon scale mail
  • Lugri: Is it your true wish to sacrifice a dragon scale mail to Zathroth?
  • Player: yes
  • Lugri: Good. I accept your sacrifice. The third sacrifice I require from you are crown legs. Bring them to me and do give them happily.

Crown Legs

  • Player: hi
  • Lugri: What do you want, Player?
  • Player: crown legs
  • Lugri: Is it your true wish to sacrifice crown legs to Zathroth?
  • Player: yes
  • Lugri: Good. I accept your sacrifice. The last sacrifice I require from you is a ring of the sky. Bring it to me and do give it happily.

Ring of The Sky

  • Player: hi
  • Lugri: What do you want, Player?
  • Player: ring of the sky
  • Lugri: Is it your true wish to sacrifice a ring of the sky to Zathroth?
  • Player: yes
  • Lugri: Good. I accept your sacrifice. You have proven that you are a true follower of Zathroth and do not hesitate to sacrificeworldly goods. Thus, I will reward you with this headgear.

Addon 2: Shoulder pads

Outfit Wizard Male Addon 2.gif Outfit Wizard Female Addon 2.gif


Holy Orchid.gif 50 Holy Orchid
Done first outfit wizard addon


We can gather the necessary items even before starting the quest. This will save you from visiting The Queen of the Banshee twice, which is difficult to get to. While there, we talk to her:

  • Player: hi
  • The Queen Of The Banshees: Be greeted, dear visitor. Ahhh... I can sense darkness inside your soul... are you a follower of Zathroth?
  • Player: addon
  • The Queen Of The Banshees: Say... I have been longing for something for an eternity now... if you help me retrieve it, I will reward you. Do you consent to this arrangement?
  • Player: yes
  • The Queen Of The Banshees: Listen... there are no blooming flowers down here and the only smell present is that of death and decay. ...
  • The Queen Of The Banshees: I wish that I could breathe the lovely smell of beautiful flowers just one more time, especially those which elves cultivate. ...
  • The Queen Of The Banshees: Could you please bring me 50 holy orchids?
  • Player: yes
  • The Queen Of The Banshees: Thank you. I will wait for your return.

Since all you can smell in the cursed ruins is death and decay, the queen asks us to bring 50 Holy Orchid, loved by Elves.

  • Player: hi
  • The Queen Of The Banshees: Be greeted, dear visitor. Ahhh... I can sense darkness inside your soul... are you a follower of Zathroth?
  • Player: holy orchid
  • The Queen Of The Banshees: Have you really brought me 50 holy orchids?
  • Player: yes
  • The Queen Of The Banshees: Thank you! You have no idea what that means to me. As promised,here is your reward... as a follower of Zathroth, I hope that you will like this accessory.