Laguna Islands Quest

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Name: Laguna Islands Quest.
Location: Liberty Bay, Meriana
Reward: Access to Laguna Islands.
Monsters: Tarantula, Tiger, Wasp.


Performed Eleonore's Missing Ring Quest
Love Poem.gif Love Poem (Poem Scroll) (can be purchased during the quest from the musical instrument store in Ab'Dendriel)


At the very beginning we go to Raymond Striker and tell him:

Raymond Striker.jpg

  • Player: hi
  • Raymond Striker: Be greeted.
  • Player: Eleonore
  • Raymond Striker: Eleonore ... Yes, I remember her... vaguely. She is a pretty girl ... but still only a girl and now I am in love with a beautiful and passionate woman. A true mermaid even.
  • Player: Mermaid
  • Raymond Striker: The mermaid is the most beautiful creature I have ever met. She is so wonderful. It was some kind of magic as we first met. A look in her eyes and I suddenly knew there would be never again another woman in my life but her.

Our next target is the Marina Mermaid which is located on the beach in the north of the island. We tell her:

  • Player: Hi
  • Marina: Oh, hello gracz. A visitor, how nice!
  • Player: Raymond Striker
  • Marina: <giggles> I think he has a crush on me. Well, silly man, it is only for his own good. This way he can get accustomed to TRUE beauty. And I won't give him up anymore now that he is mine.

Then we go to Ocelus, which is located on a rock to the west of the ships:

  • Player: hi
  • Ocelus: Greetings, dear visitor gracz.
  • Player: Eleonore
  • Ocelus: I heard the birds sing about her beauty. But how could a human rival the enchanting beauty of a mermaid?
  • Player: Mermaid
  • Ocelus: Oh yes, I noticed that lovely mermaid. From afar of course. I would not dare to step into the eyes of such a lovely creature.
  • Ocelus: ... I guess I am quite shy. Oh my, if I were not blue, I would turn red now. If there would be someone to arrange a date with her.
  • Player: Date
  • Ocelus: Will you ask the mermaid Marina if she would date me?
  • Player: Yes
  • Ocelus: Thank you. How ironic, a human granting a djinn a wish.

Now it's back to the mermaid to set her up with Ocelus for a date:

  • Player: hi
  • Marina: Oh, hello gracz. A visitor, how nice!
  • Player: Date
  • Marina: Is that the best you can do? A true Djinn would have done something more poetic.

And once again we return to Ocelus for advice:

  • Player: hi
  • Ocelus: Greetings, dear visitor gracz.
  • Player: Mermaid
  • Ocelus: Oh my. Its not easy to impress a mermaid I guess. Please get me a love poem. I think elves are the greatest poets so their city seems like a good place to look for one.

If we don't already have the Poem Scroll with us, in Ab'Dendriel it can be purchased from Elvith. When we have it, we return to the genie:

  • Player: hi
  • Ocelus: Greetings, dear visitor gracz.
  • Player: Love Poem
  • Ocelus: Did you get a love poem from Ab'Dendriel?
  • Player: yes
  • Ocelus: Excellent. Here, with this little spell I enable you to recite the poem like a true elven poet. Now go and ask her for a date again.
  • Player: bye

Once again we go to Marina and tell her about Ocelus' intentions:

  • Player: hi
  • Marina: Oh, hello gracz. A visitor, how nice!
  • Player: Date
  • Marina: This lovely, exotic Djinn is a true poet. And he is asking me for a date? Excellent. Now I can finaly dump this human pirate. He was growing to be boring more and more with each day ...
  • Marina: As a little reward for your efforts I allow you to ride my sea turtles. Just look around at the shores and you will find them.
  • Player: Bye

Back to the pirate:

  • Player: hi
  • Raymond Striker: Be greeted.
  • Player: mermaid
  • Raymond Striker: I am deeply ashamed that I lacked the willpower to resist her spell. Thank you for your help in that matter. Now my head is once more free to think about our mission.

In exchange for help as a reward, we can swim on turtles around the Laguna Islands, and with the disenchanted Raymond Striker we can start the Meriana Island Quest.