Amethyst Sorcerer's Robe

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Amethyst Sorcerer's Robe.png You see a amethyst sorcerer's robe (Arm:15, shielding +1, magic level +3, protection physical +6%, energy +1%, poison +6%, ice +9%, speed +5).
It can only be wielded properly by sorcerers of level 200 or higher.
It weighs 20.00 oz.
Channel the arcane energy of the Amethyst Sorcerer with this enchanted robe, empowering the wearer with enhanced magical abilities.
Arm: 15
Weight: 20.0 oz.
Dropped By: Hellflayer, Mr. Punish.
Reward from: Infernal Siege.
Buy from: This item cannot be purchased from any NPC.
Sell to: This item cannot be sold to any NPC.
Note: Part of the Amethyst Set for the Sorcerer profession.