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Hit Points: 14,000
Experience: 12,000
Ratio: 0.86
Speed: 480
Hostile: ✔️
Pushes Items: ✔️
Pushes Creatures: ✔️
Target Distance: 1
Run on Health: It never runs away
Attacks: Elem physical.gif Melee (Min: 250 Max: 650) Elem fire.gif Fire Ball (Min: 350 Max: 450) Elem fire.gif Fire Burst (Min: 550 Max: 650) Elem physical.gif Physical (Min: 300 Max: 450) Elem physical.gif Physical Burst (Min: 500 Max: 700) Elem physical.gif Physical Beam (Min: 1050 Max: 1150)
Defences: Arm.png Armor: 45, Defense: 65
Est. Max Dmg: 4,050
Summons: Nothing
Immune To: Elem poison.gif Poison Elem fire.gif Fire Elem lifedrain.gif Lifedrain Elem outfit.gif Outfit Elem paralyze.gif Paralyze Elem invisible.gif Invisible Elem drunk.gif Drunk
Sounds: "Your tainted soul belongs to us anyway!"
"You should consider bargaining for your life!"
"Today I deal only in death!"
"Ah, Violence! It might lack subtlety but oh, the thrill ...!"
Task: ??
Strategy: ??
Skinnable: ??
Note: ??
Location: ??
Common: Gold Coin.png 0-200 Gold Coin Platinum Coin.png 0-8 Platinum Coin
Uncommon: Small Ruby.png 0-10 Small Ruby Vial.png Vial Small Emerald.png 0-10 Small Emerald Demonic Essence.png 0-3 Demonic Essence Small Topaz.png 0-5 Small Topaz Small Diamond.png 0-10 Small Diamond Small Amethyst.png 0-10 Small Amethyst
Semi-Rare: Might Ring.png Might Ring Golden Trophy.png Golden Trophy Terra Legs.png Terra Legs Titan Axe.png Titan Axe Green Gem.png Green Gem Terra Boots.png Terra Boots Demonbone.png Demonbone Red Gem.png Red Gem Giant Shimmering Pearl.png Giant Shimmering Pearl Terra Mantle.png Terra Mantle Dragon Lance.png Dragon Lance Gold Ingot.png 0-2 Gold Ingot
Rare: Skull Helmet.png Skull Helmet Titanium Bow.png Titanium Bow Heavy Mace.png Heavy Mace Spellbook of Mind Control.png Spellbook of Mind Control Demonbone Amulet.png Demonbone Amulet Violet Gem.png Violet Gem File:Golden Armor.png Golden Armor Mastermind Shield.png Mastermind Shield Magic Plate Armor.png Magic Plate Armor
Very Rare: Sapphire Shield.png Sapphire Shield Amethyst Sorcerer's Robe.png Amethyst Sorcerer's Robe