Obsidian Greaves

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Obsidian Greaves.png You see obsidian greaves (Arm:13, club fighting +3, sword fighting +3, axe fighting +3, shielding +2, protection physical +5%, poison +5%, fire +5%, speed +15).
It can only be wielded properly by knights of level 200 or higher.
It weighs 47.00 oz.
Crafted from the toughest obsidian, these greaves provide unmatched protection for your legs. The sleek design allows for swift movement, while the rugged material withstands even the most brutal of battles.
Arm: 13
Weight: 47.0 oz.
Dropped By: Gaz'haragoth, Frozanverian
Reward from: Undead Siege.
Buy from: This item cannot be purchased from any NPC.
Sell to: This item cannot be sold to any NPC.
Note: Part of the Obsidian Set for the Knight profession.