Dream Grove Quest

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Name: Dream Grove Quest.
Location: Dream Labyrinth.
Reward: Spiritthorn Ring or Ring of Souls or Arcanomancer Ring, Yellow Crystal of Speed, 10 Crystal Coins, 5 Diamonds, a Glacier Robe, a Glacier Amulet, Lilypad Backpack and Hive Bow.
Requirements: level 250, Gnomulus Research Quest, Bribe Dragon Quest, Anvers Island Quest.

Required items


Once we have completed the other necessary quests, we head to the Dream Labyrinth to NPC Eldarion, following the map below:



  • Player: Hi
  • Eldarion: Greetings, Player. Welcome to the Dream Labyrinth.
  • Player: pass
  • Eldarion: Only those who demonstrate exceptional worth may cross the threshold of the Dream Grove ...
  • Eldarion: To prove your worthiness, you must bring me an Astral Shaper Rune ...
  • Eldarion: Return when you have acquired this powerful artifact.

Now we go back and head to Edron to NPC Lailene:



  • Player: Hi
  • Lailene: What do you want in my magical robe store? I doubt I have anything that's of interest to you.
  • Player: astral shaper rune
  • Lailene: Oh, the astral shaper rune, a rare and powerful artifact. I can tell you how to obtain it, but first, I'll need your help.
  • Player: mission
  • Lailene: I need a few rare items for my experiments. If you bring them to me, I'll tell you everything I know about the astral shaper rune ...
  • Lailene: An iced soil, which you can find in the dungeons on Folda, near the minotaur cave ...
  • Lailene: A sample of sand wasp honey, last seen with someone entering the dungeons of Jakundaf Desert, who likely got lost there ...
  • Lailene: A demonic finger, which can probably be obtained in the Hellflayer hell in Frozanver ...
  • Lailene: A smoking coal, which I've only heard is located somewhere deep in the Warzone Area ...
  • Lailene: A haunted mirror piece, located in Frostholm, held by the undead heroes there ...
  • Lailene: An ensouled essence, found deep within the Demon guarded by Warlocks ...
  • Lailene: A crawler's essence, which you should find somewhere on Draconia, guarded by the local Dragons ...
  • Lailene: A fiery tear, the last artifact, which I've only heard is somewhere on Fermur.
  • Lailene: Do you accept my task?
  • Player: yes
  • Lailene: Great, then set off and do your best to obtain all the artifacts.

Lailene tasks us with delivering several artifacts such as: Iced Soil, Sample of Sand Wasp Honey, Demonic Finger, Smoking Coal, Haunted Mirror Piece, Ensouled Essence, Crawler's Essence, and Fiery Tear in exchange for creating the Astral Shaper Rune. To do this, we follow the maps below:

Note! The items must be obtained on your own, purchasing them in the store does not allow you to complete this quest.

Iced Soil:
The order of obtaining them does not matter, in this guide, we will start with Iced Soil. To obtain it, we head to the underground on Folda, get the Key 4503, use Destroy Field then Pick, and go down. To return, we are getting Key 4502 and pass through the minotaur cave.



Sample of Sand Wasp Honey:
To obtain this item, we head to the Jakundaf Desert from Venore. You'll need two people for this task: one goes to the Library to stand on the lever that opens the wall, while the other take the honey, then you switch tasks. Refer to the maps for detailed instructions on how to do this.

Way for the Honey:
DGQ77.png DGQ10.png

Way to the Library. Firstly, we need to obtain Key 4009 and then follow the maps below:


Demonic Finger:

In this case, we head to Hellflayers Frozanver and follow the map below:



Smoking Coal:

The coal is located in the boss room in a chest in Warzone 5.

DGQ13.png DGQ14.png

Haunted Mirror Piece:

The mirror is located in the Hero Cave Elvers. To obtain this item, we head there and follow the map below:



The mirror is located in the Hero Cave Elvers. To obtain this item, we head there and follow the map below:

Ensouled Essence:

To obtain this essence, we head to the Demon Warlocks and follow the map below:

