1). The Warzones are dungeons where we can find hordes of monsters and bosses. To get there you need to complete the Warzone Access Quest.
2). Each boss can be defeated once per day, and the ability to challenge them again resets after the server save.
3). We can take reward located north of the teleport to the Warzone.
4). On the area of Warzone there is also a Depot and Mail, a Magic Shop, a Bank, an Ammunition Shop, and a Warzones Teleports Room from which you can teleport to different cities using the Red Teleport Crystal
5). To get access to Warzone 4 and Warzone 5 you need to complete a Gnomulus Research Quest.
6). To use Warzone, you need to have a Golden Account.
In addition, after completing any Warzone, we can exchange the Minor Crystalline Token and Major Crystalline Token at NPC Gnomally for the following rewards:
Items that can be exchanged for Major Crystalline Tokens:
- Lavaforged Blade (60 tokens)
- Furious Axe (60 tokens)
- Furious Mace (60 tokens)
- Wand of Dimensions (40 tokens)
- Sparkling Energy Rod (40 tokens)
- Crystal Crossbow (40 tokens)
- Arcane Magic Legs (40 tokens)
- Spellbook of Vigilance (40 tokens)
- 100 Crystal Bolt + permission to buy it any time any count in NPC Gnomelvis (15 tokens)
- Demonic Backpack (25 tokens)
- Knowledge how to use Magic Crystals (20 tokens)
- Matrix Crystal (50 tokens)
- Sapphire Quiver (100 tokens)
- Sapphire Arcane Arbalest (200 tokens)
- Wrath of Nature (200 tokens)
- Violet Flame Wand (200 tokens)
- Darkened Obsidian Mace (200 tokens)
- Shadowed Obsidiancleaver (200 tokens)
- Obsidian Blade (200 tokens)
- Diabolic Eye Backpack (300 tokens)
- Elemental Beast Backpack (300 tokens)
- Onyx Beast Backpack (300 tokens)
- Crystal-Guard Backpack (300 tokens)
- Diabolic Boots (200 tokens and Amethyst Arcane Boots)
- Druidic Elemental Boots (200 tokens and Earthquake-proof Boots)
- Onyx Boots (200 tokens and Radiant Sapphire Boots)
- Crystal Boots (200 tokens and Obsidianclad Boots)
Items that can be exchanged for Minor Crystalline Tokens:
- Red Crystal of Life (35 tokens)
- Blue Crystal of Mana (35 tokens)
- Green Crystal of Experience (50 tokens and only after reaching the limit of Blue Crystal of Mana and Red Crystal of Life which varies by your profession)
- Gray Crystal of Capacity (25 tokens)
- Green Crystal of Stamina (35 tokens)
- Crystal Lamp (10 tokens)
- Mushroom Backpack (30 tokens)
- Red Teleport Crystal (2 tokens)
- Blue Teleport Crystal (3 tokens)
- Egg of The Many (50 tokens)
Rest exchanges:
Gnomevil's Hat or Moohtant Horn for Blue Teleport Crystal
Major Crystalline Token for Minor Crystalline Token
15 Crystal Coins for Minor Crystalline Token
5 Green Diamonds for 1 Green Crystal of Stamina
5 Yellow Diamonds for 1 Yellow Crystal of Speed